Emarketing:Do You Really Need Backlink Automation

If you are working at trying to get your websites onto Google's front page for any competitive keywords, you are no doubt in a constant search for backlinks. And if you spend any time at all researching Search Engine Optimization in an effort to get high quality backlinks, then you have had to have come across a ton of high priced backlink automation services, software and schemes. The truth of the matter is that you don't really need any of that. You can post your backlinks through article directories, on Web 2.0 communities and in all manner of places all across the web without having to spend a dime for a single one of these backlink automation methods. I have gotten very good results in the past year getting my sites into the top 3 spots for some extremely competitive keywords without using any automation at all. On the other hand I have also been completely shut out on some keywords due to my competition using backlink automation. So the fact is that more and more often, to be successful in many niches, you either need to use some type of backlink automation or find another niche! You have probably seen a ton of really high priced products out there that promise the moon the sun and the stars producing backlinks, and many of these suites of tools are extremely effective. Most people do not have the cash, at least when starting out to shell out a few grand to get access to these tools even if they are all that they claim. So how can you get into the backlink automation game without breaking your budget?

The simplest way is to break down the various ways of getting backlinks into categories like article marketing or classified ad sites. So instead of shopping for huge suites of tools you can simply look for a service that does one thing and concentrate on using that to it's best advantage. This will make you competitive in all but the very toughest niches toughest keywords. A great place to start is with a good service to post your articles to several hundred article directories at once. While it is true that some of these can cost hundreds of dollars for lifetime access, you can usually also start off with a monthly membership at a much more modest price. Do not be discouraged if you post a few articles and don't see anything happen to your rankings right away. Even though at times sites will jump up in the Google ranks within a few short hours, it is much more common for it to take a few days. Backlink automation is a trend that is sure to continue. If you intend to make your living in the internet marketing field, and get your traffic through the organic search results you will eventually be forced to get your feet wet with some type of backlink automation or you will seriously limit the niches and keywords you can be successful with.

Here are several ways to get into Backlink Automation: How To Get Backlinks Get Backlinks


Published at internet-marekting.hahasas.com

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