Emarketing:Ebay is Turning Its Back on Individual Sellers and Small Businesses by Partnering with Toy R Us

Great Toy Deals, we see a trend with Ebay catering more to big businesses than to small business. Ebaywas originally started out by helping the little guy out and books flourished on how to start a small business on Ebay. Not anymore, Ebay has been tailoring their business more towards big businesses and power sellers or members who sell a lot on Ebay. This all started with the changing of CEOs in Ebay and corporate greed. For company who charged less than a $1 to sell a general ad on Ebay with no additional fees in the 1990s is now sky rocket their fees after implementing the final value policy which made it impossible for a lot of small businesses to survive on Ebay. How can Ebay justify fees of less than a $1 to taking a small percentage of the sale? A buddy of mine who sold over 3000 items on Ebay from the 1990s up to 2006 closed his business down because Ebay's final value policy made it impossible for him to make a profit on Ebay. He was paying anywhere from $50-$200 a month on fees went to selling on Ebay!! Ebay is becoming more of a place for users or seller who trying to get rid of old stuff than to make a profit or helping someone start a small business. Ebay and Toy R Us is just another example of Ebay moving away from its small business roots and under minding small sellers on Ebay for great toy deals.

I told people 7 years ago that expansion of Wal-Mart would ruin the US economy and jobs going over seas would be fueled by expansion of Wal-Mart stores in the US. My professor at the time called me unpatriotic at the time. The point I am getting at big business domination is a problem in the US from Wal-mart to Ebay joining up Toy R Us. This will make it harder for small businesses to survive or to even start a small business. Many people whose unemployment is running out are trying to start small businesses but finding more of a challenge in face of big business. I rather see my money go to help someone with a starving family than see my money go to corporation. It is very sad that Ebay grew and founded by individual sellers and small businesses. Now Ebay is turning their back on these small businesses and individual sellers. Ebay website refers to their web site as community. This community is ever changing word in Ebay future as people who helped lay the foundation for Ebay are being driven out by fees and big business. People complain about the rising cost of health care, college tuition and price of gas but many news reporters have ignored Ebay outrageous final value fees price hike. There are numerous videos on You Tube complaining about Ebay fees and the declining number of small businesses on Ebay. I never forgot the guy on You Tube that he had to close his business down because of Ebay policies changes and fee changes. He desperately leveraged his business costs and tried to buy his goods at lower price but was unsuccessful in continuing his business on Ebay. Ebay policies and fees changes have a huge effect on a small business ability to survive online selling on Ebay.

I would really like to see Ebay go back to their root by cutting their fees for individual sellers and small businesses so people could at least make small profit off selling items of Ebay. Individual sellers who just online to get rid of stuff they own will always plague Ebay. These individual usually getting rid of stuff and really do not mind paying fees as along they get half their money back? These people kind of remind you of going to a pawn shop. As long as they get at least half their money back from the retail store price then they are usually happy. Ebay joining up with Toy R US is just one of many trends to come where Ebay turns it back on individual sellers and small businesses. It is very much in Ebay future that more major retailers will join up this Ebay to sell their items. Comparison shopping web sites are growing in popularity and you see more and more Ebay items popping up these comparison shopping websites in the past 10 years.

A lot of businesses are using this comparison shopping website to help leverage out their surplus retail inventory by selling with great toy deals. Comparison website is a good tool for those people who are trying selling goods outside of Ebay. Goggle and several other comparison websites are offering free services to sell online. Just remember the next time you sell on Ebay and see the fees ($$) that you pay after selling something on Ebay that money in fees could be in your pocket if it was still the 1990s. American consumers driven to find the cheapest deals has driven small businesses away and jobs to overseas. I just found a website who is selling legos on sale below what they are selling on Ebay and on other competitor's websites. For free toy reviews and great toy deals from small toy stores check out our website hometimetoys.

As a toy enthusiast I write reviews on toys and try to help out the little toy stores out there by giving toy store reviews on little toy store too. We expose the secret toy stores with the best deals on our website. I give honest and strait forward reviews with a unique perspective on toy reviews that you won't find anywhere else. If you have any suggestions or article suggestions feel free to contact us or check out our website

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