Emarketing:10 Ways to Use Customer Testimonials

Using customer testimonials in your marketing efforts can be very effective. They help to build your reputation, credibility and sales. Don't be afraid to ask your satisfied customers to give you a testimonial. Most will be happy to offer their opinions. Be sure to ask their permission to use the testimonials in your marketing campaign. You must also comply with the FTC when using customer testimonials. Visit ftc.gov to find out the guidelines.

One new rule of the FTC Guidelines basically says that if the customer was compensated in any way for his testimonial, it must be disclosed. But be sure to read the complete guidelines.

Be sure to use the more detailed testimonials. Generic lines such as "Your product is great" are not as effective as one such as:

"I've only been using your product for one week and already I have more energy than ever before!"




You can also use small snippets from a long testimonial when appropriate. For example: When advertising a diet supplement, you could use a snippet such as

"I lost over 50 pounds!"




1. Use small snippets on your business cards. This is a great way to draw more attention to your card.

2. Use portions of the testimonials in your email signature. Everyone you send an email to will see these testimonials.

3. If you write and submit articles, use snippets in your resource box. This can increase the amount of clicks you get from your resource box.

4. If you publish an ezine or newsletter, have a section for feedback/testimonials. Add new testimonials each time you send one out.

5. Use them on your website. Have a Testimonials/Review page for complete testimonials and then sprinkle them throughout your website as well.

6. If you print out flyers or brochures be sure to add some of your most detailed and convincing testimonials.

7. Post them on your social media profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Video testimonials are quite effective as well.

8. Use the most detailed benefit oriented lines in your sales copy. For example: when writing an ad use small snippets such as "I made over $100 my first week!"

9. When you sign up for message boards and forums, use them in your signatures. Most forums will allow you so many words for your signature.

10. Always use them in your direct mail and email marketing campaigns. Testimonials can get more results than just about any kind of sales copy! If you have people selling for you, give them to your sales team to use as marketing tools as well.

Gathering and using testimonials is one of the easier yet more powerful ways to build your business and gain customers so be sure to ask for, gather and save all the testimonials you can. Comments made by actual customers will go much farther with your potential customers than any ad copy you can write!

Terri Seymour has over ten years online experience and has helped many people start their own business. Visit her site at http://www.seymourproducts.com for resources, $1 resell ebooks & software, free tutorials, affiliate programs, free ezine and free business ebook with Master Resell Rights.


Published at internet-marekting.hahasas.com


Below are ten easy and effective ways to use your testimonials:


You want the testimonial to highlight the benefits of your products or services – the more detail the better!


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