Emarketing:5 Steps to Having The Best Internet Business: Step 3

Step 3: The Power of Habit Nothing is stronger than a habit- Ovid On average it takes us three weeks to form a habit, but it can take a lifetime for us to break them. All habits are formed from daily actions, so of them we are not even aware of. To be successful we need to identify those that serve us and our Internet based business opportunity and those that do not. It all boils down to the Slight Edge philosophy, of simple little habits, compounded over time will work either for or against you. It will either put you on the success curve or the failure curve. You will either have the best Internet business or you will be so bogged down by negative habits that you are kept from moving forward. Remember this: Your philosophy creates your attitudes, your actions, your results, which in turn created your life! Sit down and think of all those that serve you and those that don't. For all the ones that do not serve you design a one that does. But this will take time, so be prepared to invest time and effort into you becoming a success. The Law of Attraction applied to habits too. The more we think about breaking a habit, the more we do that habit. Say for example you drink too much coffee and you have made the decision to reduce your caffeine in-take; the more you think about not having that cup of coffee, the more you want one. You will then give in and have one! But say if you decided you were going to drink herbal tea instead, the more you though about having that herbal tea the more you would want one.

This is no different in you business life. The more you make a habit of marketing your business, or phoning one more lead per day, of writing one more article, of listening to one more training webinar, doing one more marketing video etc. All these small tiny steps will soon become habit, then you can make way to develop new positive habits. And very soon you will find that you are on the curve of success, rather than the downwards slope of failure.

Discover how you can be part of the best Internet business by visiting http://catherinelee.biz/best-internet-business/5-steps-to-having-the-best-internet-business-step-3/


Published at internet-marekting.hahasas.com


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