Emarketing:Earn Money Writing Articles For Constant Content

Constant Content provides an online marketplace where freelance writers can list articles that they would like to sell. They also provide a place for publishers to request custom content that they would like to buy. This is an excellent way to earn money writing, particularly for those writers that like to have a bit of control over what happens to the article they write.

Sign Up Process

The Constant Content registration process is not time consuming. You can find the author sign up on their home page. Once you click on that, you will be taken to an online form where you will input your personal information. Constant Content gives you the option of using a Pen Name for your byline. This name will be associated with all content that you post for sale, so choose wisely if you decide to use one. Some people prefer to use a made up name while others would rather just use their real name. Constant Content leaves this up to you.

Before creating an account, you should read over the terms and conditions along with the licensing rights. Once you have read those and filled out the registration, you will click a button to submit your information. Constant Content will then send you an e-mail containing a link to activate your account.

Submitting Articles

Once you are activated, you can start submitting your articles. Constant Content wants informative articles that are error-free. The actual article topic is up to you as long as it adheres to the terms (you may not post articles deemed offensive or objectionable). Articles that do not conform can be rejected, so be sure to read through everything. Three rejections will lead to an account suspension, however, if you follow the guidelines this will not be an issue.

Payment Options

You can choose up to three ways to get paid to write with Constant Content:

1. You can sell your articles with usage rights
2. You can sell your articles with unique rights
3. Or, you can sell your articles with full rights.

Usage rights will let the purchaser of your article use your content once, as written, within the publishing platform of their choice. You remain named as the author and your content will continue to be available on Constant Content for other publishers to purchase in the future. Unique rights allow the publisher to use your unchanged material multiple times on multiple platforms. You remain named as the author and your content is no longer available for sale. With full rights, the publisher can use your article wherever and whenever he wants. He may change the article and he may even list his own name as the author if he chooses to do so. He also retains the resale rights on the content. When determining the price you would like to sell your material for, keep in mind that you will receive a 65% cut of that price, while Constant Content retains 35%.

Constant Content is good location to post your articles and allows you the freedom to write at your pace. You do not need to worry about deadlines, write and post your articles on your own schedule. Also, the site receives traffic from publishers that are eager to buy interesting and unique content so there is no active selling on your part. This is a wonderful way to make money writing.

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Published at internet-marekting.hahasas.com


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