Emarketing:About Marriage


I remember when Women MBT Boost Shoes the first wedding, when the morning will wake up in his arms, I always blush and not dare to say early, afraid of the tone of his mouth crumpled his brow; rinsing mug and brush, and he insisted different models with the same color, the couple put together to see only the feeling; I would help him ready for work clothing, what what shirt with tie, after I put him to have his body before the aesthetic. Got out of bed to the table, for his health, I change the different patterns of breakfast every day, sunny days may be bacon and eggs with toast; some rain, perhaps MBT Boost Shoes with a little rice take salted pickles; If cloudy, it is better to eat outside of the fried dough sticks and moves to use soy milk ... ... I've changed new tricks, but I never get tired. Except when a virtuous wife, I also made no secret of his enthusiasm, "I love you" escort him to go to work every day some say, then add an intimate kiss, even if he is just shallow smile most of the time, I am glad a waited a long time enough.

However, five years later. I believe the time is not to itch, but in the end is what changed my interaction with him? Morning, his position often has been empty, only by the folds of the linen proved that he really existed, even if he occasionally slept too far or Women MBT Bomoa Boots small depends on what bed, definitely a rush from the bed and jumped up and rushed freshen the clothing. I'm almost forgot to greet the sun by his sense of embrace. The rinsing mug bathroom, broken a few years ago, the could not find a pattern, and the other fell into the toilet just because, so also for the new; five years, the toothbrush has been changed a few pieces I do not know, sometimes we sleep astray, will spend the same team, what tone do not need to hide the problem. Whether the same color, the same style, he said they were not important. Therefore, the sink and Doraemon Hello Kitty patterns around two rinsing mug confrontation Doraemon stuck in a MBT Bomoa Boots green toothbrush cup, my; Hello Kitty is empty, because he has been changed a while ago electric toothbrush, put on the shelf. Belong to two different stories of the rinsing mug, and at two different locations of the toothbrush, as if to mock our marital relationship, further away.

The time he went out early, RBI his dress is no longer my thing, he would get breakfast? Long time did not eat together, I also do not have to think hard and think about the menu, check the recipe, anyway, no one show up. Not to mention the "I love you", that is, there is a warm good morning kiss, and he no Fu Xiaoshou, and now said to be hypocritical by some. Think about five years, he has not Women MBT Baridi Shoes said it once, "I love you", not even once. The time he and I together, strictly speaking, from the night along that, that is, after he came home from work. If he is working overtime, then time may be extended to ten, eleven. Just got married, I went to school for his cooking, "to seize a man's heart, first through his stomach" I am confident that this iron law. Therefore, some restaurant dishes often appear in our table, kung pao chicken, just before dawn intestinal Wang, Scallion Chicken, Pork ... .... Glad to see him eat, and I laugh, though not all my favorite, but he likes like. After dinner, we would MBT Baridi Shoes snuggle on the couch watching TV, I watch the news with him, listening to his comments on national policy, critical social conditions; he did, watching TV, listening to the story I laugh, cry laugh.

So I know the premier, who is the Legislative Yuan, he also knows who is a popular play of Li Shimin. I did not expect that, five years to change all that. Cooking classes I can say halfway, do not know which day, he began to interfere with my method of cooking, he does not like too much pepper kung pao chicken, just before dawn he began to resist intestinal Wang, Scallion Chicken told me not to shower oil, and even to put the number of halogen Pork soy sauce, he have something to say. I do the dishes become more and more simple, do not want to go, cooking classes, and sometimes a plate of stir-fried vegetables, meatballs and tofu soup and preserved eggs, sent out to him, but he no opinion. I think I can not catch Women MBT Amali Shoes him in the stomach. With the increase in the number of his overtime, and we rarely watch TV together, and I know nothing can be said for national affairs; and he asked do not have to ask, Taiwan, actor Charlie fire must not know who he was.

Made between husband and wife began less than justice, he said to me, then, most of them are "Do not wait for me," "sleep early," I said to him, then almost a "you're back," "hot dish with the rice cooker" . We do not have the same topic, not have the same interest, in addition to "couple" nominal contact us poor communication vague, if not more than ordinary friends. Marital relationship more ridiculous, is not it? Marriage, we have described the vision of the future, he said, to have two children, the first male and female, after his brother to protect her sister; I think that they MBT Amali Shoes should be enjoying a period of two lives, the situation is not quite the time children hurry, But I do not want his bad mood and did not say.


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