Emarketing:Are You Making The 5 Fatal Errors In Infomation Marketing?


Have you ever created an information product-- maybe a home study or membership program, e-book or online workshop that simply didn't take off? I confess I have, and not just once. Are you surprised? I'm proud to say that mistakes have been my best teacher. When I first decided to create information products a few years ago, I made the same starter mistakes that I see many small Info-Marketers making again and again. Yet giving up is not an option, since creating information products is still the very best way to sell your knowledge and expertise to a large audience. Overheads are small and profits can be big. I benefitted from my mistakes and with the help of some great mentors, I ended up creating products that are very successful. So I'd like to share the pitfalls you need to avoid if you don't want to waste time, as I did right at the beginning.

Error #1: Deciding what your niche wants without actually knowing what they want. We all have a fantastic idea and immediately get to work creating an information product based on that flash of inspiration. We decide it's what people need. The problem is that people buy what they want, not what they need. Sometimes, they don't even know what they need. To discover what they really want a little simple keyword and competitor research can go a long way and save you a ton of time, frustration and lost sales. Try Google Keywords. See just how many people are looking for your solution. A wise man once said.."All of us need a kick up the backside, it's rarely what we want."

Error #2: Having no proven and tested marketing system. You don't have to invent the wheel, just copy someone who has a proven system. Even if you have the best home study course or e-book ever written, if no one knows about it you'll have no sales and nothing could be more discouraging after all the hard work you put in. Marketing is everything. Just search Dan Kennedy for a headstart. You need to have all of your marketing materials written, your e-mail marketing and affiliate programs in place, and your traffic generation system automated as much as possible before you start selling. Once you lay down these systems, selling products becomes so much easier and regularly produces a steady stream of leads and sales.

Error #3 Not having a sales page that converts buyers. Use the power of one here. Get rid of anything on your page that doesn't focus on product benefits and reasons to buy. Imagine that you've finally finished your product, you've got your marketing system in place and you can see that you're getting visitores to your sales pageaE"but only a few are buying. Writing curiosity-building or benefit-laden headlines and powerful content that includes clear results buyers can expect from your product, legitimate testimonials and an ironclad guarantee will go a long way toward improving your sales conversion. Including video will make an even bigger difference because you can show visitors how and why you're passionate about your product. We know they are much more likely to stay with a credible face who emphasizes the unique benefits. If you are selling the answer to a problem, rub their noses in it first.

Error #4 Failing to give added value. Add something exceptional that supports the central theme of your primary product. Don't just stop at one thing. Each layer erodes another level of resistance. People tend to buy online when they really want a solution to a problem and they see your product as that solution. By adding extra components to your product, such as worksheets, audios, videos or checklists and by adding bonuses the perceived value goes beyond the price you're charging. And of course your price has to be right in terms of what the buyer perceives the value to be. If the price is perceived as too high you won't get many sales. If it's too low, your product may be perceived as inferior. Conduct some research to find the pricing on similar products to give you a benchmark.

Error #5 Not taking action because you're afraid it's all too hard. Small steps always get you there. You can create a great information product in one week to 60 days, maximum. It can produce ongoing sales for months or years. Plus it can build your expert status and be the foundation for other programs. In other words you can leverage the content you create and use it in other types of programs and services. So not creating one actually ends up being harder because it keeps you stuck selling your time hour by hour and it keeps you at survival level. Get the ball rolling with your first product. One further tip here is that teaching elementary skills, can be more lucrative than expert knowledge. Now you have some benchmarks that will help you create powerful information products that will generate lots of sales, allow you to help more people and position your business for much greater growth.

About the author: Gavin McCoy is an award winning UK based Media and Marketing Consultant. Visit his website http://www.thegavinmccoy.com


Published at internet-marekting.hahasas.com


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