Emarketing:5 Link Building Myths Exposed


The following are myths commonly associated with building backlinks to your website. If you've believed the lies and misconception... this will set you straight. No longer will you be among the misinformed and will now be able to spread the truth.

Let's get right into them...

Myth Number 1: You must have "relevant" links in the same niche as your website or they don't count or you will get penalized in some way by Google.

Of course it's always best to get relevant links, and Google even recommends this, but you will not be penalized if you don't, and non-relevant links still count.

Myth Number 2: If you build more than two links a day, you will be penalized by Google.

The fact is that you would have to have hundreds of thousands of the same links to get penalized.

In my previous post about the proper use of backlinks, I mentioned building 1,000 links in one day could get you banned. This was just an example and wasn't to be taken literally; although, I should have known that it would be.

As long as your links are built naturally, with people linking to your content, you'll be fine. As I mentioned as a reply to a commenter who disagreed with my statement in that post, you can get penalized or banned by building the wrong types of links too quickly. But, this is different altogether as getting links in this manner is completely natural.

Natural linking is a common and daily occurrence. The internet is a viral medium by nature, and it would be crazy for the biggest search engine to frown on such activity. Google's rather smart. They know that you can't control who links to you.

What could be frowned upon is building thousands upon thousands of links within the same niche all in one day. This could get you removed.

Myth Number 3: I can't see my backlinks in SEO Elite, Yahoo Site Explorer, or some other "Backlink Checker" tool, so they don't count.

The fact is that no backlink checker is going to show all of your backlinks, and it could take months before they do decide to show whatever backlinks they choose. That's just how it goes.

However, this does not mean that the backlinks you have built haven't been indexed and working for you. Quite the opposite. The backlinks you build will help your site way before they ever show up in your favorite backlink tool.

Myth Number 4: I have to vary my keywords, or Google will think I am spamming, and I will be penalized.

You are actually doing more harm than good because by varying your keywords, you're spreading yourself thin. If you build 30 backlinks and vary your keywords every 10 links, that's only 10 links per keyword, rather than getting all 30 links for one keyword.

You are losing a lot of power by doing this, as it will take longer to rank for your main keyword phrase. If you were to use the same keyword for all 30 links, your rankings would increase faster.

Don't believe me?

Consider Adobe for a minute. Did you know that they are number one for the phrase "click here"? Millions (no lie) of sites link to them using that exact phrase as the anchor text when linking to them.

They obviously didn't get penalized in any way, and neither will you by using the same keyword phrase when building links to your own site. Just follow the best practices of link building and don't do anything deemed spammy, and you'll be just fine.

The only reason to vary your anchor text is if you want to rank for similar keywords and get to number one for those as well. I recommend this at some point to increase your overall search engine traffic.

Myth Number 5: Google is going to start penalizing people using various backlink packets because they're all putting their links on the same sites.

If you didn't know, I use Angela and Paul's backlink packets which can both be found on the Warrior Forum. I've been using them for exactly a year now with tremendous results and recommend them to anyone who has a few bucks to spare.

Since there are thousands of people using these and other similar backlink packets, there's a myth that Google will penalize these sites based on the sheer amount of people putting their links on them.

First of all, why would Google penalize high PR sites based on what other people are doing on the site? That's just ridiculous.

Second, Google doesn't have the man power or resources to manually go through every site on the internet and look for "strange" activity. It's impossible and would be a complete waste of their time.

Third, if this Myth was true, then they would be going after sites like Digg, Reddit, Propeller and just about every other social bookmark site that fits this example. This would have an adverse affect on the internet as a whole, and Google know this wouldn't be productive for them or the internet users at large.

Bonus Myth
Myth Number 6: Leaving a link on an "inner page" that is new or has a low or 0 PR inside of a high PR domain will do your site no good.

This is just not true. It may have been true at one time when PR was new and Google's Algorithm was set a certain way, but the Algorithm has been updated since then.

Find more home business guides from the author in his website WorkingHomeGuide.com.


Published at internet-marekting.hahasas.com


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