Emarketing:Chris Cobb s Concept of List Building

Chris Cobb started his business with practically nothing. He had one computer which was given by his girlfriend. He had horrendous debts to settle and he needed to find ways to pay his bills. A good mentor introduced him to Internet Marketing and this started his empire.

Chris initiated his business through the Automated Income Stream. In this business, he introduces to people how he made his online business and earned thousands of pounds. This is what he supports himself and his family today. Currently, he expedited several methods to promote the AIS program and he has shared it with many people.

As Chris Cobb implies, if you own a website, it is not enough to let it stand there and wait for online customers to see it. You need to do online marketing to make this site recognized by visitors. Yes, it is important that the website should portray all the needed goods offered and that it is user-friendly; but you need other steps to have it recognized.

One way to draw traffic to your site is list building. Selling one product to one customer does not make you money. You need to have lots of customers to make your online business hit big in the Internet. To do that, you need to find ways to have it recognized by using squeeze pages.

Squeeze pages are helpful in building lists for your business. You just need to insert them in your website and indicate interesting thoughts about your business like promotions or incentives. Customers usually find it interesting so they leave personal information like email addresses and contact numbers for you to reach. These may sum up to quite a number of customers who fill-out these pages. And when this happens, there is greater chance to build lists of names or a database.

Having these lists of name will lead to email marketing. You need to prepare a well-designed electronic mail for your customers. Ensure that it portrays what you have to offer and how customers will benefit from your products or services. An interesting letter will draw attention from customers and it usually receives feedback from them.

The feedback may be queries about your products, if not a sale. A sale is good news as it brings income for your business. You just found a customer for your business and you need to take care of him so he comes back for more.

Chris Cobb


Published at internet-marekting.hahasas.com


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