Emarketing:Cigarette Store reduced all prices

Usa Cigarette-Store announced that the company will be reducing their prices. New and returns will be able to enjoy best cigarette btrands at steep discounts.
"Cigarette-Store.org has become well known for quality cigarettes and now we are aiming to provide the same great quality at reduced cost," said Kevin Jones, VP of Usa Cigarette Store. Mr Jones said Cigarettes cost was decreased as means to attract new customers. As real cigarette prices are increasing, cigarette prices on Cigarette-store.org are falling - making cigarettes affordable for all.

Customers are reacting very well to the anticipated cost reduction. "Lower cost is an even bigger incentive to buy top cigarette," said TimUS, a user of cigarette review forum.

Mr Jones a former smoker himself, explained that at reduced cost the company is anticipating it's sales to double within the spring months. "A lot more smokers seem to want to cigarettes at low cost. So with the reduced prices of cigarettes people simply do not have any more excuses," said Mr Jones. The price of such Brands like Marlboro, Winston or Camel was cut on Februar $1 off.

"Why cigarettes price are so low?. There is nothing mysterious about it - big tobacco stores purchase their cigarettes in bulk from the actual cigarettes manufacturers, and since your cigarettes never get to the store shelves, they are except from taxes that everyone importing some goods has to pay. So, that's how you get your low prices without making a single effort - after learning all that you are probably to going to shop at your local convenience store anymore."

Cigarette-Store.org is Kiss cigarettes source of news and articles related to tobacco world. Visit http://www.cigarette-store.org.


Published at internet-marekting.hahasas.com


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